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25 Ways To Declutter Your Home | Christy Buck Team

Decluttering your home will leave you less stressful, more organized and will make your home look 10x better!

  1. DVDs never get watched.
  2. Socks without a match or just ones with holes! Get some new ones!
  3. Dried out markers and pens.
  4. Clothing that is too big or too small.
  5. Chipped plates, mugs or cups.
  6. Expired coupons.
  7. Old receipts.
  8. Baking and cooking supplies you’ll never use.
  9. Magazines.
  10. Old papers and documents.
  11. Old paint.
  12. Expired medication.
  13. Power chords.
  14. Greeting Cards
  15. Expired makeup.
  16. Extra coat hangers.
  17. Unfinished projects.
  18. Old perfume.
  19. Jewelry you never wear.
  20. Expired food.
  21. Notebooks.
  22. Old or unused electronics.
  23. Junk drawers.
  24. Old wallets, belts, purses and etc. that don’t get used.
  25. Take-out sauces (such as ketchup and soy sauce) that sit around your kitchen.


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