Decluttering your home will leave you less stressful, more organized and will make your home look 10x better!
- DVDs never get watched.
- Socks without a match or just ones with holes! Get some new ones!
- Dried out markers and pens.
- Clothing that is too big or too small.
- Chipped plates, mugs or cups.
- Expired coupons.
- Old receipts.
- Baking and cooking supplies you’ll never use.
- Magazines.
- Old papers and documents.
- Old paint.
- Expired medication.
- Power chords.
- Greeting Cards
- Expired makeup.
- Extra coat hangers.
- Unfinished projects.
- Old perfume.
- Jewelry you never wear.
- Expired food.
- Notebooks.
- Old or unused electronics.
- Junk drawers.
- Old wallets, belts, purses and etc. that don’t get used.
- Take-out sauces (such as ketchup and soy sauce) that sit around your kitchen.