We know Hurricane Season has just begun and the Christy Buck Team is here to help you! Below you will find some tips/things to do to make sure you are ready if needed and items you may need!
Items to Have on Hand:
- flashlights
- batteries
- generator
- canned goods
- can opener
- wipes
- bug spray
- medical kit
- water
- tools- pliers, wrench, etc
- local maps
- back up batteries or chargers for cell phone
- Make sure to have a hurricane plan in the event one comes- where will you go or will you stay home, evacuation routes, etc
- Consider your families specific needs- medications, dietary needs, disabilities, pets, etc
- Make sure you communicate with your family about your plan or even have one written up ready just in case
- Consider learning safety skills like first aid, CPR, how to shut off utilities, etc