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  • Pearland High School vs Dawson High School Football Game October 14, 2016

Pearland High School vs Dawson High School Football Game October 14, 2016



As the whole town prepares for the big face off game between Pearland High School & Dawson High School tomorrow, Friday, October 14th, 2016- The Christy Buck Team headed to the Pearland Bowl Fundraiser to help raise money for the Booster Club for both teams. We also set out to interview a few of the boys before the big game tomorrow, and wow were they pumped!

We interviewed a handful of boys from each team, and when asked if they feel this is the most important game of the season, Niko Thomas, Wide Receiver from Dawson stated ” Yes, it is important to me to be known as the best team in Pearland”, and Pearland’s Derek Parish agreed stating this means “football domination in Pearland”!! Meanwhile, Patrick Howell, Dawson’s Linebacker stated, ” No, because this game doesn’t determine the main goal which is state! Yes, it is competitive, but our goal is not to just win tomorrow night, but we want a ring!”

IMG_8951                                                                                                                                     (Pictured: Derek Parish, PHS by Hendricks Photography)

As things heated up in the interviews, we asked each team if they have a certain pregame ritual- and many of the boys mentioned they love to send snapchats throughout the day to get pumped up, and ” dance on the field like no one is watching before hand”.

Excited Desmond Clifton, Dawson’s Defensive End said after he graduates this year, he will be heading off to Stephen F. Austin for further education and to play on their football team! Daniel Petty, of Pearland’s Football Team is off to attend Sam Houston State University to major in Mass Communications and minor in Business Management! Zach Smith, Quarterback for Dawson is also heading to Stephen F. Austin on a football scholarship. Patrick Howell, DHS Linebacker is planning on studying computer engineering in college as well next year!

The Christy Buck Team is very proud of every player on both teams for their accomplishments, not only on the field, but off. And look forward to an amazing, competitive game tomorrow night!!


If your attending the game tomorrow night, make sure to make some noise for both teams and cheer them on !! When asked how important the student section is at each game, all of the players agreed it is a crucial part of the game, provides huge motivation and makes a “crazy difference” – Derek Parish, PHS Senior added!

Good Luck to both teams!

For game updates, and more sports news for both schools, head over to FB page!





(Pictured above: Daniel Petty, PHS)

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